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At loooong last, the new patch to Dundjinni is ready! As always, it is located on the. The new version is compatible with Vista and the latest versions of Java, fixing a number of annoying bugs that cropped up with those versions.
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Yahoo Full Version
We also made a few minor fixes that seem to have improved performance speed a bit. For more details on fixes, check the read me file shown during installation. The big non-technological change for this patch is the EULA.
Full Version Forever
We’ve listened to your input – and, in response, have decided to open up DJ to commercial use! In other words, you can create and publish maps and adventures using DJ, including DJ art. (The only exceptions are the SKG Dungeons and Reaper Warlords packs, since we only license those and thus do not have rights to allow such use.) In exchange for using DJ to create maps and adventures for commercial products, we simply request that you provide us with a credit. For a more precise description of the commercial use allowed as well as the credit required, please see the EULA itself. A few technical notes: 1. While we did not create a new full Mac version, Mac users can simply apply the 1.07 patch to get the updated version of DJ.
Since the new patch will slightly change directory structures (from Fluid to Dundjinni Enterprises) on fresh full installs, there could be a problem trying to install prior versions of the art and token packs on top of a full install of the new PC version. To avoid any such issues, we’ve reactivated the old, expired download links (which should allow access to the latest versions of the software and art/token packs) – and also posted an updated version of the PC Platinum (for those early adopters who received a download version of Platinum) so that anyone who needs to do a full reinstall when switching computers or because of an HD crash will be able to do so with the latest version of art packs and software. If you have the disk version, you'll reinstall from the disk and then patch up to 1.07.