How To Crack Windows Server 2003 Terminal Service Licensing
Description: This registry code allow any terminal client to access in a Terminal Server. This code bypass the microsoft 'Terminal Server License' and allow the client to create a session on the server without a CAL ( Client Access License) or MS Open License. It works on winNT, Win2000, Win2003 server and win2008 server. Best free software download sites. Author: Zorzan Urban Pawel (okno) Site: Thanks for all.
Free Windows Server Software
We have 2 TS servers 1 is a 2003 Server and one is a 2008 R2 server that has the licenseing installed on it. We have configured the 2003 termianl server to use the 2008 R2 lincense server, pressed the button and it says its valid. We have 75 windows 2008/2008R2 user Cals it is also my understanding that if the licensing server does not have 2003 licenses and the group policy setting to not allow upgrading license is not enable then the license server should issue a 2008 license to the 2003 rdp client we are still getting this message cannot find windows 2003 terminal server license server.