Seidel Naumann Sewing Machine Serial Numbers

  1. Seidel Naumann Sewing Machine Serial Numbers

Seidel & Naumann - antique manual sewing machine. A well- kept and very decorative Naumann/Veritas sewing machine with folding handle. On the body is a brass tag: Naumann Maschine - Seidel & Naumann Dresden. Seidel & Naumann: German. Hugo Henstenberg became a partner in 1878 that production of domestic sewing machines was.


Bruno Naumann started producing sewing machines in Dresden in August 1868 but lacking capital to develop his machines he was joined by Emil Seidel and in 1872 Seidel & Naumann came into being. Although the partnership was short lived with Seidel leaving the firm in 1876 the name remained unchanged. In 1898 the Company employed 2,500 workers producing 80,000 sewing machines and 40,000 cycles a year. By 1904 production of sewing machines had increased to almost 100,000 a year and had produced a total of 2 million machines. In 1900 the company started producing typewriters which eventually became the main stay of the company's products.

Seidel Naumann Sewing Machine Serial Numbers

Seidel & Naumann - NeedleBar Picture Library Archive NeedleBar Picture Library Archive THE INTERNATIONAL ANTIQUE SEWING MACHINE FORUM > > > > Seidel & Naumann Seidel & Naumann Logo 004. Seidel & Naumann Low Arm, Fiddle-Based Machine 004.

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